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We support any size business


HR Managers

Finance Professionals

Business Owners


eziLeave’s pricing principles have been to offer leading technology with the best price to value in the industry.

Every module is feature rich and integrated where customers can choose to autmate each business process on a time-frame that suits them.

Our modern, easy-to-use screens means our users can get their jobs done quickly and with no confusions to complex regulations.
Our smart coding technology translates complex regulations into an easy solution for employers to optimise their business processes but remain compliant.

eziLeave’s full payroll integration automates all tasks with checks and balances eliminating the need for spreadsheets and manual calculations.

Compliance proof audit trails and on-deman reports on the click of a button ensures high transparency and intelligence analytics.

Our full payroll integration means we can prepare all quaterly returns from 1 July 2019 at a click of the button.

Employers can quickly compare their manual returns to the returns automatically generated by eziLeave to assess their compliance.

Should adjustments need to be made, eziLeave can support employers to rectify  any compliance issues.

EziLeave is a smart automation for payroll compliance. Each module in itself delivers immediate benefits to employers and as a combined platform it delivers efficiencies, visability and control across the payroll process.

We know that it’s not just about providing great software solutions, but the implementation and support is just as important.
Right from the first time a client contact us, then through the implementation stage and after, our support and committment to customer service excellence not only delivers our client’s vision but creates a successful ongoing partnership

High 5

Our product is used by a broad range of users, from small business owners looking to save time and streamline their Portable Long Service reporting obligations to finance and accounting professionals who strive to provide accurate and compliant services to their clients.

Whether you have 20, 200 or even 2000 employees, eziLeave takes the stress out of compliance so you can provide an ongoing record of compliance for regulators and employees.